Hire Better Talent, Faster
Best-in-class Candidate Matching to expedite your hiring.
All our candidates go through screening tests and technical interviews before they reach you. Hence, you get only the most relevant candidates for your JD.
Looking to upskill your self? Explore our Bootcamps.
Accelerate your career
Get a curated learning experience so that you only learn what is required. We provide outcome based programs that end with a job or a better pay.
Limited exposure to industry aligned technologies and skills can set students back by a couple of years.
Jobs after bootcamps are guaranteed at 6 LPA. For experienced professionals, we provide upto 2x current CTC based on your interview feedback. Payment is after placement.
Already aware of our bootcamps? Take the test
Hire talents for your team
Hire quality Tech Talent at unbeatable prices. We filter the best for you so that you don’t have to.
Tell us your requirements and we will find you a developer in half the time. The struggle of getting the right talent to match your needs is real, reach out to us and allow us to help you solve this challenge.
We also provide additional features such as interview scheduling, skill assessment tools and Payroll and compliance management.
Tech stack we teach
Full stack
Data Structures & Algorithm
Snort, Kibana
Machine Learning
Neural Network, Data Analysis
and many more…
Companies that hire from us
What our students have to say about us