Frequently Asked Questions
Career growth path of a Software Developer vs. a Full Stack Web Developer.
When you start as a full stack developer, you get a head-start of a good 2-3 years as compared to if you would have started your career as a software developer. This head-start refers into higher starting salary and faster career growth. Here is a diagram that illustrates what happens in both these cases.
Career Path of a Junior Developer vs a Full stack Developer - #Refactor_training_bootcamps
When you start as a software developer in the industry, you begin by getting exposed and doing projects in either back-end or front-end. Or you maybe asked to work on a database or an API without understanding the whole picture of where it is being used. And then slowly as time progresses, you may or may not get exposure across the entire tech stack to become a full stack web developer. It all depends on the company you work for, and the management team. In most cases, it takes about 3 years till you can reach the level you would ideally have reached at the end of our Refactor Academy bootcamp.
This is because, when you join the Refactor Academy bootcamp, you are taught in a structured manner on front-end technolgies, back-end technologies, Databases etc so that within a mere 3 months you are in a position to build end-to-end web applications.
This is also the reason for attracting a higher pay for your talent and skills as now, for the organisation, you suddenly become an extremely valuable asset as you can deliver on end-to-end tech stacks.
Why become a Full Stack Web Developer?
Full stack web development is quickly becoming a career of choice as the demand is growing at 20% year on year.
This demand growth is because of 2 reasons primarily:
Large companies finding out that they can demand and hire one resource to do the end-to-end tech development.
Smaller, but faster growing companies or companies that are focusing on digitising in the post-covid era believe that full stack developers can deliver much faster on projects with lesser co-ordination required between teams.
Full stack web development essentially means being able to deliver seamlessly across client-side(front-end) and server-side(back-end) coding requirements. Two people doing this job, one for front-end and one for back-end, means more resources for the company not only in terms of money but also time.
Hence, a full stack developer is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after talent and whenever there is high demand, there is higher pay opportunities available too.
Why should you choose Refactor Academy?
Because we bring the best jobs.
Our jobs are with companies that are on a growth path, both Indian and International. Which means that only do they offer higher starting salaries, they also offer the highest growth potential, meaning you can grow so much faster in your career early on.
Don’t take our word for it, watch our alumni share their stories on our youtube channel - Link at the top right corner of this page.
What do we do differently about placement ?
The company’s that we choose for placement for our student’s go through a strict filtering criteria and have to pass multiple quality tests before they can hire our students.
This is to ensure that the students are able to start their careers in good companies that not only value the skills the students bring on the table and hence pay higher salaries but also, offer a great environment for growth in the early career years so that the students get the right direction early on in his/her career.
Choosing the right first company is so important and could literally make or break a student’s career as once your career begins' everything start’s getting built on the top of that and how well you do in your career will depend hugely on what you started working on early on.
I am already an engineer and there is so much information available for free online, how do you add value?
Coding bootcamps offer a more narrowed focus in career specific skill building. Colleges and universities around the country are known for offering diverse areas of study. But, when it comes time to start applying for jobs, employers will look for specific course work that proves your skills and ability in a more defined manner. That’s where your time at a coding bootcamp comes in. Coding bootcamps are intensely focused on delivering maximum impact in a shorter time span. You can expect to learn web development, HTML, CSS, logic, and a specific programming language.
Students develop a richer portfolio based on hands-on experiences. When applying for career opportunities in the software or application development world, employers are going to ask to see your work. They want to know you have the hands-on experience to develop, maintain, and innovate their programs. A coding bootcamp will help you develop a rich portfolio based on hands-on experiences, not theoretical work. During your time at a coding bootcamp, you’ll apply the theories you learned in college and develop actual, working programs and applications. With this rich portfolio, you can walk into a job interview confident you have the skills and the experiences to back those skills up.
Self-Learning Only Takes You So Far: When it comes to career switching, it’s hard to beat the immersive and collaborative environments you can get at a coding bootcamp, especially for people who don’t have a background in code. In just three months, the bootcamp life would be able to impart more technical knowledge in you than ten months of self-study.In learning programming languages or any other subject for that matter, motivation is key to succeeding. Having fellow learners and instructors around can help bolster motivation and ensure that you won’t fall behind. Online coding courses can be less expensive, however, they are also less structured and make even the most prompt of online instructors feel out of reach. Furthermore, working in teams is one of the most important aspects of efficient coding, and in-person bootcamps allow for richer teamwork experiences.
I feel the fees are too high, how do I get value?
So, we have been asked this question many a time.
24 month fees for a 3 month course - How is that fair? Here is how:
The fees have been divided into interest-free EMIs that are small amounts so that it becomes easier and does not seem like a financial burden. The fee payment is also designed to be interest fee, which means we bear the entire interest cost so that you can get this benefit. You can choose for lesser months to clear of the loan earlier if you wish. That is a great way to stay credit free while building up a good credit history.
However, the relevant point here is not the number of months of payment but the total amount. The total amount of fees charged to you if you get placed in a job of 6 LPA is Rs. 2,12,400. During the time you pay these fees, you would have earned more at-least Rs. 12 Lakh if not more. And, just to let you know 80% of our students get pay hikes within the 2 years of graduating this bootcamp. These increments are not chargeable and are all yours to keep.
Tech Job Salary with Refactor Academy
Now. Let’s talk on why we charge Rs. 212,400.
This amount not only includes the hands-on training that you will learn and develop a habit of continuous methodology of growing as a full stack developer, but also includes the placement , which is with quality companies and not all companies are allowed to hire. A strict filtering is conducted and companies and roles are vetted to check for fitment with our candidates.
We also try to match the roles and opportunities to the candidate strengths so that there is a maximum chance of not only clearing the interview but also getting a high offer due to perfect fitment.
This is in addition to the resume inputs, interview inputs etc that you get continuously through-out the hiring process.
All this requires to put the best teams and processes in place so that your success can be 100% guaranteed and not just based upon a chance opportunity.
Can I get admission into your bootcamp without interview?
Unfortunately no.
Interviews help us understand you current skill capabilities and most importantly your learning ability. Communication is also very important -> we do not wish to hear very good english, we wish to understand whether you can understand the questions and explain things clearly as this is important in any job in the tech field. Tech roles often involve taking client briefs, understanding the requirement and delivering on those and communication ability is very vital especially if you get a remote opportunity working for International clients.
I am selected and I want to do the bootcamp but my parents, relatives and friends in the industry don’t think I need one.
This is a highly personal question that you must answer for yourself. However here are some guiding questions to help you find the right answers that are fit for you
Are you completely aware of how and what kind of role will you go about looking for ?
Are you aware of all the skill sets required for this role and can you confidently demonstrate?
Are you aware of the growth path and career growth prospects offered in the role chosen by you?
Are you happy with all the above answers, if not are you completely aware of how to go about resolving the gaps that you have ?
Are you aware of the companies that you want to work with or target or are you completely happy with the placement offered to you, knowing everything there is to know about the company, growth prospects and the role?
If the answer to any of the above questions is No, Maybe or Not sure, come and talk to our counsellors. Brainstorm with our mentors on how you wish to shape your careers and on your ability to do so. We can only offer the guidance, the final choice will always be yours. Write to us at to schedule a meet with our mentors.
How can I trust that the placement is guaranteed? What if I am unable to clear any interviews after the bootcamp?
Ok so first of all, we hope that you can keep some faith, first in yourself and second in us.
Secondly, our charges incur only after you get placed, which means if we don’t place you, we would be out of business. And trust us, that is certainly not our intention.
Now, regarding the question on a possibility on whether you will be able to clear interviews after the bootcamp - > this is a 100% possible, if you simply attend the classes, complete the assignments, and are proactive about your questions in class.
#fullstack careers #fresherjobs #guaranteed_placements
A point to note as well is that we do have a 95% placement rate. Now, what else and how else can we provide proof to you that yes! there is a high chance that you will certainly get placed after the bootcamp .
If there is anything else that we can demonstrate, that will help you get that confidence, we would be happy to hear from you. Just let us know and we will try to get that information for you.
And Finally, if you do lose the job provided by us, because the company where we placed you fired you due to their inability to pay you, then we will find you another job. Guaranteed.
How is my training in Java or python that I have done with another bootcamp, different from what you offer?
As a full-stack developer, you’d be able to handle servers, databases, as well as clients. The demand for full-stack developers is high.That’s so because full-stack developers work with all three layers of the process (presentation, logic and database). Apart from that, companies look for multi-talented professionals who can keep up with the market and perform more than one role. You can trust a full stack developer with many kinds of projects which you might not do with any other specialist. These developers are familiar with all facets of development so that they can handle projects with more effectiveness.
The average salary of full-stack developers in India is around 6 LPA. For professionals with great experience and expertise, it can increase up to 14 LPA. As you can see, full-stack developers earn an attractive salary. They get higher pay because they reduce operating costs for the company. They can perform the work of 2 or 3 average programmers alone, which saves a lot of money for the company. And due to their ability to work with different frameworks and technologies, they remain in high demand.
You know about multiple aspects of development. As a result, you can work with more flexibility, as well. You can work on the client-side of the application as well as the database of the same. It lets you have more control over the product you’re developing. And whether you’re a technical guy who likes Java or the creative one who loves CSS, you’ll have a better understanding of both of them as a full stack developer. Due to this reason, you have a lot of creative flexibility in this field. ➢ As a full-stack developer, you know of multiple technologies. Whether it’s about adding images to a web page or creating a database, you’d be familiar with all of them. This gives you an edge over other developers because you can make technical decisions faster and see the big picture.
I already have a job as a software engineer. Why do this training?
As a developer, you could find yourself engaged in projects that you never thought possible and challenge yourself on a daily basis. Not to mention, the development space can be found in a variety of industries including medical, automotive, and finance.
Your job duties are the same day in and day out. Every day looks and feels identical–you’re simply performing on autopilot.It’s time to find a new role that plays to your strengths, provides opportunities to develop new skills, and allows you to make meaningful contributions. Your career should boost your self-esteem, not diminish it. You could actually land up a career in the field you love.
With the specialized training a coding bootcamp offers, you open up more career opportunities. With both a degree and experience in hand, you’ll unlock career opportunities you never thought possible. Not to mention, you’ll continue to open new doors throughout your career because employers value the experiences and skills a coder brings to their team. During your time at coding bootcamp, you’ll learn to think logically and creatively. You’ll know how to take a large, complex problem and break it down into much smaller, more manageable challenges. With this way of thinking, you’ll advance your career and gain the forward momentum you’ve always wanted.
Plus, we offer a job guarantee of min 6 LPA, training you across the various stacks so that you are able to grow much much faster than your peers.