Hire Better Talent, Faster
Best in class candidate matching to expedite your hiring
All our candidates go through screening tests and technical interviews before they reach you. Hence, you get only the most relevant candidates for your JD.
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Spend less time hiring and more time focusing on your core business.
Hire candidates that are rigorously vetted, screened & tested EVEN before they reach YOU.
Fresher Hiring
Trained Freshers, ready to deliver from Day 1
Why our candidates stand out?
Our students are trained in industry - level projects, so that they can start contributing from Day 1 at your company
Our students have been assessed for Work Ethic, Professionalism and Attitude, soft skills that matter much more than hard skills in the long term
Our students join immediately, guaranteed, so you do not have to chase the talent on the joining day.
Lateral Hiring
Experienced Hires that take much Less Bandwidth to hire
Why choose us?
We understand your requirement, screen candidates on the basis of it and interviewed them before we send to you.
70% conversion - You will be able to select atleast 2 of the 3 candidates that we send you
You will spend much LESS bandwidth hiring from us.
Tools and the latest tech in hiring : powered by AI
ONE solution for screening, training and hiring.
Bulk Hiring
Use our automated screening and testing platform to hire in bulk.
Coding Challenges
Define coding assessments as per your JD. More customizable than HackerRank
AI Proctoring layer
Secured Browser proctoring to monitor and supervise online exam.
Advanced LMS
Project based learning programs with detailed progress report.
Compared to HackerRank, hire senior candidates using customized Coding Challenges
Companies that have hired from us
“ We were able to significantly reduce our time to hire and close our positions ”
“ We are confident on Refactor Academy’s sourcing & vetting skills for Tech Talent ”
- GlobalBees, India
Experience the Difference: Hire Once, Hire Again
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