Learning Path (Syllabus)

Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp

Pay Only After Placement at min 6 LPA

The learning journey.

Unit 1 - 6 weeks.

Html & Css

Building nice looking HTML pages with responsive design


Learning to create a repository, branches, merging code and pull request

Classes & DS in Javascript

Learning how javascript works & in full detail including ES6

APIs in Javascript

Learn to build APIs in JS and usage of JSON

Milestone Projects

2 projects that will ensure your Javascript skills

Unit 2 - 5 weeks.

React Basics

JSX, React components, State & Props and Event handling

React Advanced

Lifecycle methods, lifting state up, react & redux libraries, hooks, router and styling


Store, actions, reducers, connecting redux to react, map state and dispatch to props

Milestone Projects

3 projects that will ensure your frontend web development skills in React.

Unit 3 - 8 weeks.

SOLID Design

Principles, importance, usage & implementation

NodeJS API Development

Building APIs and routes for get/put/post/delete


Intercepting & forwarding requests, layering & filtering, authorisation & authentication via OpenID

Database Management

SQL, PostGreSQL, TypeORM, Dependency injection and advanced debugging techniques

Advanced Backend in NodeJS

Typescript generics, pub-sub architechture, microservices and unit testing

Milestone Projects

2 projects that will ensure your backend development skills in NodeJS

Placement - 2 weeks.

Mock Interviews

Interview preparation through mock interviews & detailed feedback for 1 week

Placement Week

Attend multiple job interviews and select the one you like and join the job immediately