How to become a full stack developer?
Full Stack Web Development involves learning front-end frameworks, back-end frameworks and databases so that you can add more value to a company team and hence demand for higher salary.
To master Full Stack Web development, you would need to do the following:
Master the Programming concepts: OOPs, DSA HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Make sure your foundation in these programming languages is strong before you deep-dive into more advanced topics.
Learn a front-end framework like React or Angular. Then, build dynamic and interactive user interfaces.
Learn a back-end framework like Node.js or Django. Then, build scalable web applications
Master Databases: Understand the basics of relational and non-relational databases, such as MySQL, MongoDB, or Firebase. Then design create and manipulate databases to store and retrieve data.
Build a portfolio of projects to showcase your work during your interviews.
Learn testing: Learn how to write tests for your applications to ensure they are working as expected. Also, focus on security by implementing best practices such as encryption, authentication, and access control.
Master articulation: Learn to explain your concepts clearly.
Cracking a full stack job required demonstrating a portfolio of projects during your interviews. At Refactor Academy, the focus has always been on hands-on learning. A choice of projects is provided, which the students build during the 3 month training bootcamp. Mock interviews are taken on these projects that help the student close knowledge gaps. Once you clear mock interviews, you will sit for placements.
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She is proficient in providing technical guidance on building your tech career. As an an Engineer and an MBA herself, with an exposure to the tech industry, she understands how students can build their tech career for the long term. Talk to her to understand how your career will grow post the Refactor Academy bootcamp.
Admission Counsellor
Rakshita is adept at listening and understanding a student’s key challenges and confusions. She will be able to help you clarify all your doubts regarding programs and help you to take the right decision for your career. Reach out to her to understand details of the training program and process, to clear any doubts or resolve any fears that you or your family, relatives may have.
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